Saturday, October 29, 2005

October 29, 2005

i know my titles aren't very interesting but oh well.

i have a dear friend of mine who lives in scotland. he is a professional storyteller, and does wondrous things telling stories, and scholarship programs in russia, just on the edge of siberia. (I have been ableto be involved with his scholarship program in russia via written submissions sent for translation. I have been the most complex for the past two years.. this year I got t hank you letters from the students and some board members and it meant the world to me.) he and i have corresponded since i came back tot he states after my time there. i get a poem every day from the writers almanac (NPR all the way baby!) and he is one of the ones i send it on to. if i dont send it on, he lets me know about it.(WHERES MA POEM?!?!) and usually he sends me his response to the poem, whether or not he thought it was rubbish, that sort of thing. we keep each ot her involved int he other's life. when we (rylan and i) got married, he was invited. his response was "I have never not wanted to be in italy before in my life..."
well he was just on the radio yesterday, on the bbc live cafe show, telling a story and talking about russia. I was not bale to listen to it live because we were out at a cross country thing last night. but I just listened to it this morning. and just wow. i havent heard his voice in five years. but it still rings true in my mind. i can still hear it. and to be able to hear him talking and telling a story :) it just makes me smile.. isn't technology wonderful?

it is almost time for halloween and i have ot say i cannot wait! i am so excited. i have alays loved the holiday. dressing up, or tellign scary stories, trick or treating, all the ghosts and goblins, witches all of that. but it seems my hometown does not share my love for it. it seems a lot of places don't share my love for the holiday. the whole misconception that it is a satanic or the devil's holiday.... I shake my head.... i will go find information on the basis of halloween and post it.. just to make me feel better. i just think people take things a bit too far and a bit literally and extremist sometimes. (banning harry potter because of witches and wizards..) it's a lot much somedays. and i'll leave it there.

next week is the AIDS quilt show. i'm working the thursday night and friday morning.

this week kyla who you have all read about, she and i went for our walk like we do every week. we went to the store where the poodle lives (mary go round. the owner has a little toy poodle named tralee. kyla loves tralee.) and we went tothe dress shop (the florists and the bridal store). in the window of the store was this little dress, a flower girl dress, perfect size for kyla. and we went in, we have admired it for a while..michelle, the woman who helps to run the shop, was working there. she is the one who helped me with my wedding dress. (They actually had my dress there so kyla got to see it!) and she said that she had a pink version of the flower girl dress upstairs. so we went up and kyla got to try on her pretty dress on. we walked over to the mirrors and she just beamed and giggled. :) it was beautiful. then we got to try on veils. it was very cool.
and then i think about how quickly she's growing up. and i think about all of those things and go wow. probably one day i'll be doing this for real with her or our daughters... it was one of those moments in time i just wanted to stop everything and freeze it right there.

i guess thats about all for now. i will include the halloween history links at the bottom. (on that one if you want, skip down a little if you can't stomach the words break down..)


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