race reviews - August 5th
last night i ran my race. thanks to folks who kept me in your thoughts and gave me the metaphysical push. or those that i imagined did. it was the Jack Daniel's mile, in memory of a student at the high school who drowned a few years ago, i think his name was John, but everyone called him Jack. His father I think may still teach there.
I know a mile may not sound like much, but when it's 95 degrees Farenheit, and grossly muggy, and everyone around you has that sleek tight tanned runners physique that screams "I can do this in my sleep," it feels a little longer. it was my first race in a very long time. I just wanted to do it to prove to myself that i could, to give myself a goal. Running is one of those things when I set out for my run, I have no clue how it's going to end, if i'll make it entirely or i'll end up turning around quitting. I haven't quite on any of my runs yet. I love the way it feels and the sense of accomlishment. The few minutes of torture and adrenaline that i survived. all of that. I just have to build up to everything, run more train more. I ultimately, I dont know when, would love to do a marathon, but that will take few years to train for. I need to conquer the mile run and the 5K first.
So last night was my start.
I was worried when no one was there that I knew. I felt so out classed and, didn't no one anyone on the streets, no cheering sections. I almost thought about giving my ten dollars at registration and leaving. I came for the T shirt. but i really came for the bragging rights, the T shirt and to prove something to myself. so i talked myself into staying, dealt with the butterflies and got ready to run.
i met a woman whose first race it was as well and we determined we'd run together so that was nice. a friendly face and all. that helped.
when the race finally started, we got lined up and someone shot the starting pistol. We were in the far far back, the last row actually. I set my pace, or tried to, and kept up with julie, my running partner i'd just met. She looked behind us and and so "oh my!" the parade was RIGHT behind us. So we picked it up a little. Nothing like a large fire engine and a marching band to put a little extra zing in your step.
i never realized the hills in town, until I had to run them. We began down hill, and then turned left at the red light, up past the post office, up harrison, then into the bus lane at the middle school. There were at least two hills that I don't remember ever being there before, and i think they stretched the pavement out a little longer for us.
Now i said earlier there wasn't anyone i recognised in the crowds. And there wasn't really. But everyone was cheering on all the runners. Even me, who as one of the last three in the race. (I still finished with a respectable time, just everyone else is a lot faster than I am.) Kids and their families who were out for the parade cheered us on the entire way. Some little boy had his garden hose spraying into the field of runners to cool us down. (I saw it on the race route map before we started) I was so grateful for that little spray of water, I ran right through it and it felt so good.
when i got to the middle school and saw the flags, one of the workers said something like 50 more yards (or whatever. he gave a distance that I dont remember), and I thought for a second, 50 yards has never looked so far in my life. but i kept going and made it. crossed the finish line, hugged my running partner julie who had gone ahead (at my consent,) and my friends who were holding my car keys and t shirt. I checked my time and ended up taking off about two minutes off my normal time.
So i had a real sense of accomplishment there. i felt like i was in the club, the runners club, maybe a junior member, but still in a little bit. the crazy runners who run in all sorts of heat, and weather and who like it. Cause i did. for as hot and hard as it was (yeah I know a mile isn't far. but we are all different..) i loved it. I loved the pushing myself to succeed, to at least survive and all of that.
So that was my race story. woke up this morning and my legs feel fine, and am already thinking of going out for another run or out for at least a good walk, or a good yoga session.
today is friday, which means last night alone. my love comes home tomorrow. :) not sure what time but he comes home tomorrow. much hapiness there :)
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