Monday, March 13, 2006

1 nephi 19-22

19:1-3 nephi tals about being commanded to include ome parts of his father's records on his own plates and not knowing why. later we now that martin harris lost the book of lehi. if nephi had not included that which he was commanded to, we'd not have allof that.
vs 10 nephi speaking messiancially. in vs 10 he mentions other prophets who have spoken messiaically but we dont have their records.
in vs 6 he says that these records (there's two) one shall contain that which is spiritual and sacred, and one shall contain the secular. he then says that often people trample under their feet that which is sacred, those things of god. then if you look at it, he mentions those propehts who have spoekn messincially - zeons, zenock, neum. nephi quotes zeons quite a bit. where else in the world would we have mention of their names, or of their revelations? the allegory of the olive tree comes from zenos or zenock (I will correct when i get there).. things that were trampled under the feet of men? things that men did not see as being sacred? things excised?
vs 18 nephi says he writes thesethings that they mnight remember them.... that they are of great worth... that includes zenos and zenock etc... so more records to come forth? article of faith 9? i think of when joseph smith returned the plates to cumorah, in the hill the cave that opened up and the stack of plates and lates that were all around the room that would some day come forth...

chapter 20-21 nephi teaching out of isiah to try to soften his brothers' hearts.

22:8-9 restoration of the gospel.
vs 11 gospel must go forth among all the world.
vs 31 ye need not suppose that only my father and i have prophesied of these things... nephi right there saying there have been other prohets, other records...


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